The Doll Squad

The Doll Squad is a 1973 lowbudget action film Z movie by FeatureFaire that was later rereleased under the title Seduce and Destroy. Directed, edited, cowritten and coproduced by Ted V. Mikels, it features Francine York, Michael Ansara, John Carter, Anthony Eisley, Leigh Christian and Tura Satana. Mikels claimed he filmed it for a total cost of 256,000.

Time Inc. contributor Ed White notes that the visuals for the action sequences near the end of the film are unusually dark. This part of the film was shot in a single night. The multiple machine guns used by the actresses in this sequence was really a single weapon that was on temporarily loan to the director.DVD reviewer and Rolling Stone contributor Doug Pratt called it an enjoyable action romp. He adds, the girls kick some serious butt and they look terrific in their hot black jumpsuits. Who can resist? Film critic Michael Adams said the film is so slow in parts I think it should be called The Dull Squad, but it picks up at the end. He rated it a solid 37100. Nonetheless, it has become something of a cult film for fans of actress Francine York. ........

Source: Wikipedia